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Dieting - My Worst 10 Foods

You can spend your entire day exercising and still, if you indulge yourself in the list of foods below, you won't get anywhere as far as diet and weight loss. In fact, studies show that people who added an hour of exercise to their schedule at least five days a week for a year only lost 3 or 4 pounds. The moral of the story? Diet is essential to weight loss.

During your diet, I've found that avoiding the following ten foods is absolutely essential to weight loss success. I know that you should be able to eat a little bit of just about anything and lose weight, but I'm just not one of those people who can take just one bite of a chocolate bar and put it away. So when it's time to really dig into a diet for weight loss, I drop these from my diet entirely.

  1. Sugar - You would be surprised where they're putting sugar these days. Even non-sweet things are loaded with it, things like crackers and bread. When you check out ingredients lists, look out for any word ending in '-ose' like sucrose, dextrose, fructose because all of these are just another way of saying sugar.

  2. Fried items - It could be tofu or broccoli but if it's fried it's off limits. That oil will not only gunk up your arteries but it will more than counteract any exercise your doing and keep the jiggles in your thighs.

  3. Fruit juice - Juice sounds like it should be healthy and 100% fruit juice is just another fruit serving, which is good, right? Nope. Fruit juice is high in sugar and doesn't have the fiber that a regular piece of fruit does. Have an apple and a glass of water instead.

  4. Peanut butter - This is one of the those foods where, in moderation, it's perfectly fine. But when I'm eating celery and peanut butter or apples and peanut butter, I want it slathered which only means trouble on a diet with weight loss as its goal.

  5. Sodas - It would seem that it's just a drink, but drinks add calories in a big way, plus sodium which makes you retain water. For weight loss, just say 'no.'

  6. Coffee - This is more than just the warning about beverages. Most of us add cream and sugar to coffee and that can be 1000 calories a day all by itself which is almost a third of a pound in terms of diet and weight loss. Have plain tea instead.

  7. French fries - Even worse than your average fried food, these come in convenient pouches under the guise of being a vegetable. Don't fall for it. These not only ruin a diet but they're full of trans fats, which are known cancer causing agents.

  8. Doughnuts - Obviously, right? They're all over meetings and the office and they're deadly to the diet.

  9. Frozen entrees - Highly processed convenience but they barely fill you up, don't give you enough vegetables, and include more sugar and preservatives than an Egyptian mummy.

  10. Canned fruit and vegetables - Just get the fresh kind. Canned goods are full of those nasty sugars and preservatives and lots of them, which combat your best diet and weight loss intentions.